A3 News Blog

A3 News Blog

Thursday, October 25, 2012

DC United and A3

On Saturday night D.C. United clinched it's first playoff spot in the last five years in dramatic fashion.  While their playoff date and opponent is not finalized, they are already selling playoff tickets. If this is something you're interested in no matter the date or time, then use the link below to get the group rate.

If you would like to wait until Saturday night after they play the Chicago Fire at 4pm on NBC Sports to see if you can attend, then hold on to this e-mail to save money and buy then.

Follow the playoff picture here: http://www.dcunited.com/news/2012/10/dc-uniteds-playoff-picture-0

Matchday        Group Rate
Mezzanine           $60           $50    
Midfield                $50           $40
Sideline                $40            $30
Endline                 $30           $25

Promo Code: United
(*ORDERS OF 15 or MORE contact Mikael Tigrett directly to save money on the ticketmaster fee's)